Who We Are

We are people from various walks of life who share the common purpose of serving God and others with joy, uplifting the beloved community of Christ.

To that end we look to what Jesus called the “greatest commandment,” to love God and love others, all others. We look also to the “great commission” of Christ, to make disciples.

We recognize that to make disciples, we ourselves must be disciples. For that reason we take the Discipleship Pathway very seriously at Epworth, the time-tested method that disciples have embraced over the centuries for growing as disciples of Christ.

If you share that interest, of growing as a disciple of Christ, we invite you to join with us as we, too, press forward on the journey of discipleship, loving God, loving others, and serving all.

Loving God

Loving God and God’s way of love revealed in Christ is paramount for Christians. We love God because God loves us, and from that all else follows.

Loving Others

Jesus made plain that loving God is connected with loving others, all others, because God loves them, without respect for differences, just as God loves us. So we, too, are called to love others.

Serving All

Discipleship is a life of servanthood, not subservience to just any earthly power, but submission to the loving will of God in Christ, and that means serving all others in Christ’s love.

Making Disciples

Following Christ is a life long journey of growing in discipleship. We are committed to nurturing our own faith, even as we nurture the faith of all others as they, too, follow in the loving way of Christ.