What to Expect

We hope you will join us for worship at Epworth on Sundays. Within our congregation are people of all ages from various walks of life who share the common purpose of serving God and people with joy. You can expect meaningful worship services with scripture, prayer, singing, vibrant music, and relevant, compelling messages centered on God’s Word. We invite you to try both services to see which is most comfortable for you. Children are always welcome to attend services with you or, at your discretion, they may enjoy our church nursery. Our ushers, as well as others, will help you feel at home. While you should expect to be greeted warmly, you will not be singled out for attention or put on the spot.

What to Wear

Some enjoy wearing suit and tie or dress, while others prefer casual attire (for some that means shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops). All are welcome. Come as you are.

Sunday School Opportunites

At 9:15 a.m., between worship services, we offer several Sunday School classes for people of all ages. We encourage you to try them out to see which is best for you.